À l’aune des stipulations de l’école de demain, quelle forme pour le discours enseignant ?



The testing of the scheme inspired and designed from the nomenclature introduced by J.-L. Dessalles relating to notions of 'thematic segmentation', 'representation scenic' proximal function of language 'and' cognitive conflict 'states existence for knowledge covered by the education systems of science and technology, a relationship of cause and effect between the absence of the topic segmentation on this knowledge in the discourse of the noosphere and Development in the vast majority of students of high mathematical content courses and physics, stage performances offset whatsoever to update these knowledge. This discrepancy could be aggravated by the fact that the school of tomorrow is the spatiotemporal variables as control variables in the hands of the teacher. The latter is brought so to articulate his speech around an optimal mobilization of these variables and, based, inter alia, the schema structuring teacher discourse: The knowledge will not stay too long in a static form; the kinesthetic sense of place as an example trapezium and strong argument, become a teaching subject in itself.


Proximal function of language, thematic segmentation, representation scenic, cognitive conflict, TIC

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/une.2195

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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education University of Patras

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