Undergraduate specialization in painting in universities in South-South Nigeria, at the close of the last millennium



The study investigated undergraduate specialization in painting in universities in South-South Nigeria, at the close of the last millennium. There are eight public Universities in the South-South Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria. Although a number of factors influence undergraduate specialization in various units in Fine and Applied Arts in tertiary institutions, this study focused on the situation in public universities in the South-South Geo-Political Zone of Nigeria at the close of the last millennium. The problem of this study is: What was the situation in the area of painting at the close of the last millennium in universities in South-South Nigeria? Was undergraduate specialization in painting in the selected universities low or high? The design of the study is descriptive survey while the major instrument used was interview. The following finding was made: that specialization in painting in universities in South-South Nigeria, at the close of the last millennium was lower than what it is in this millennium. In other words more students are specializing in painting since the wake of this millennium in universities in South-South Nigeria.


Undergraduate specialization, painting, South-South Nigeria, last millennium, survey and Universities

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/une.2282

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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education University of Patras

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