About the wave’s concept in quantum mechanics and how university student understand its aspects. Algerian students’ case
The most important basic aspect of Quantum Mechanics description is the wave, but there are many different interpretations between different schools and scientists about the reality of this wave. Till now there are more than thirteen important schools of interpretation for the basic concepts of quantum mechanics. In the case of the wave, some interpretations consider it as a real wave, while others consider it as only a mathematics toll. Through our experience in teaching quantum theory, we conclude that teaching quantum mechanics is not only just deriving beautiful and maybe logical equations and relations related to the subject. We believe that each step of deriving those equations or relations should be followed by deep discussions of concepts and meanings. Because of the students difficulty for understand the wave concept as an example of general basic concepts of quantum mechanics. For this purpose and in order to clarify and focus on the problematic, a questionnaire sheet was presented to homogenous sample of Algerian third year physics students related to the subject. But we concluded from the results of students’ survey, that the basic concepts of quantum mechanics should have a profound educational revision.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/une.2285
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