La formation des enseignants des sciences au Maroc: historique, état des lieux et perspectives
This article aims to study the evolution of the training of school teachers, especially during the 2000-2019 periods within the framework of the institutional and educational reforms that Morocco knows since its independence. Hence, we analyze the achievements, the pedagogical and organizational difficulties, and the stagnation that accompanied the grouping of the old establishments of teacher’s training: Training Centers of Teachers (CFI), Regional Pedagogical Centers (CPR), Normal Higher Schools (ENS) in centers, which are now called Regional Centers of Education and Training (CRMEF), not affiliated with universities. We discuss the training program implemented in the new training centers since their creation in 2012-2013, giving examples of activities provided, methodological marks and targeted skills of the training of the high-school teachers in physics-chemistry. The comparison of these choices with international trends highlights two principles: the progressive implementation of professionalization in the Regional Centers for Education and Training, and the establishment of the process of universitarisation of the initial training of teachers in the beginning of the pedagogical year 2018-2019.
Training of teachers, training program, professionalization, universitarisation
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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
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