L’éducation à la prévention des risques électriques au collège en Algérie et difficultés rencontrées par les enseignants des sciences physiques



Electrical safety education is an important and universal educational goal. Effective acquisition, by pupils, of the fundamental notions governing this preventive education depends, largely, on the teachers' conceptions related to the domestic electricity. This communication concerns an investigation of the conceptions of the teachers of the physical sciences of the college of Algeria relating to the basic’s notions presented in the contents of the electrical safety. The data obtained highlight the dominant presence of erroneous conceptions incompatible with the scientific knowledge of electricity. These conceptions consist mainly to transposing the characteristics of the continuous electric current to that of the alternative current of the domestic electricity. Thus, these conceptions can represent obstacles to the effective teaching and learning of the concepts on which this type of scientific education is based. To overcome the difficulties raised, the adaptation and reinforcement of the initial and continuous scientific training of teachers in college according to the content of the electrical safety education is necessary in order to ensure a proper didactic transposition of the knowledge in question.


Electrical risks, domestic electricity, scientific education, prevention, conceptions, teachers

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/une.2986

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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education University of Patras

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