Mesure de l’engagement scolaire. Engagement scolaire en milieu défavorisés: traduction et validation exploratoire d’une échelle de mesure.
The purpose of this study, which builds on the research on school engagement in youth from disadvantaged backgrounds, was to test the transcultural validation of the School Engagement Measure. First, a translation is presented, along with an assessment of its reliability and construct validity. Using hierarchical linear analysis, an in-depth validity assessment is then conducted to draw a more complete portrait of school engagement in cycle three elementary students attending schools at different levels of academic disadvantage. The translated instrument shows similar psychometric properties to those of the original English version. The results are relatively positive: students showed similar school engagement between the most and the least disadvantaged schools. The study limitations are discussed.
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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
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