Comparaison entre deux approches d’enseignement par investigation sur le thème de la flottabilité en collège : la problématisation favorisée dans l’approche hypothético-déductive



New style of teaching science (as inquiry based science teaching) appeared in the French curricula during these last years. Our study focuses on two kind of inquiry based teachings and propose to identify which promote in the better way the processes of problematization during a debate. The theoretical framework of problematization, allowed us to compare two types of inquiry based teachings in two classes of grade 7th having the same problem to solved based on the phenomenon of buoyancy. These two teachings differ in the organization of students' investigation before the debate. The first teaching asks the students to resolve the problem without writing hypothesis, whereas the second necessitates that students write some hypothesis before to handling the experiment. The analysis of video transcriptions of the two sequences have allowed us to show that writing hypothesis seems to promote explanations of students in the register of models during a debate in class, which could allow to them to problematize in a better way.


Physics education, investigation, problematization, buoyancy, video analysis, comparison of teaching

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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education University of Patras

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