La nécessité de la mobilisation des variables didactiques spatiotemporelles dès les premiers enseignements de la géométrie



In this article, we attempt to show how there is a strong modeling, although imperceptible by the no-sphere of structuring the educational contents of teaching mathematical content in a mold that emptiness their Morpho-dynamic content. This mold would be dictated by the blackboard : very similar notions of those developed to the student’s addresses in the textbooks are the vectors of this content. ICTs are making these concepts quite patent, a very long time ago, taken in consideration by these manuals. Any proven lack of these concepts among the objects of learning as manuals and monographs promotes in schools is an argument for the truthfulness of this modeling and the character of it. These objects would be designed according to the possibilities offered by the blackboard relating to the activation of variable commands between the hands of the professor. The animation and configuration of points are not a part of these opportunities.About this animation, the lack of these objects in the fundamental dichotomy 'trajectory / chart' concerning curves, including among these curves, those are straight lines, that engineering students not associate with the modeling of rectilinear movements to the graph of the numerical function of the real variable, or even concerning the linear function, to the right.


Educational content, blackboard, morpho-dynamics, non temporalization of displacements in the gridlines

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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education University of Patras

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