La compétence scripturale, un indicateur de la construction des savoirs conceptuels en SVT ?
This paper aims to explain how scriptural competence could be an indicator, in class, of the evolution of the construction of conceptual knowledge in SVT. This study, part of an interdisciplinary research project, the ECRICOL project, is based on a frame of reference articulating three constructs: scriptural competence, textual genetics and conceptual knowledge in science. Different versions of an explanatory text written by sixth graders (11-year-old students) are collected and analyzed using the Medite software and a grid constructed a priori. The first results highlight the possible usefulness of scriptural competence, both for the teacher and for the pupil, to follow the acquisition of the notions concerned.
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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
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