Approche d’enseignement de l’entrepreneuriat dans l’enseignement supérieur
Since the adoption of the Licence, Master, Doctorat (LMD) formula in the Moroccan higher education system, the majority of training institutions have included in their curriculum courses related to corporate culture and entrepreneurship. This kind of new course has created a lot of difficulties among teachers to teach entrepreneurship. Our goal in the present work is to propose a teaching approach to entrepreneurship that is a result of our experience in the supervision of this course. The debate around teaching entrepreneurship started twenty years ago. The research community in the field of education is divided in two currents. The first include those who think that entrepreneurship can’t be taught. The second category is who believe in the possibility of teaching it our approach adopts two principle: (a) The one of the didacticians who stipulate that all knowledge diffused in society (be it a practice or science) can be taught provided that it goes through a didactic transposition and (b) that of experiential learning based on situations close to skills to develop.
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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
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