Apprendre l’énergie avec des systèmes biotiques



The aim of this study is to observe the effect of the use of biotic systems (related to living being) in a teaching focused on task where students should draw energy chain. According to the activity theory, we consider the use of biotic system as a part of the situation where the student’s activity system takes place. We design an experimental protocol in order to isolate the task condition among this situation (teacher, teaching sequence, group of students...). This protocol is based on the separation of two group of students (biotic and domestic). The two groups assist to similar teaching sequence (with the use of domestic systems only or domestic and biotic systems) with the same teacher. The results show that students from the biotic group progress more after the teaching. They also show the same trends in the 4 protocol.


Biotic system, energy chain, task condition, student’s action, experimental protocol

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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education University of Patras

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