Les savoirs scientifiques relatifs aux végétaux, conceptions finales des élèves en fin de cursus scolaire, difficultés d’apprentissage
The discrepancies between the final understanding of 12th graders specializing in science and their knowledge about plants defined in the curriculum : what are the final understandings of the students ? What difficulties can be noticed at the end of their curriculum ? No one can deny that if the students' understandings about plants does not reach the requirements or expertise aimed at within the curriculum once completed by the students, it is because the concept of plants is complex and because they have a specific place in the living as reflected in the complexity of their phylogeny. The various epistemological obstacles, Bachelardianly speaking, explain the difficulties encountered by the students while learning. The data results from and was compiled out of the answers of 453 12th graders specializing in Science. It enables to make a clear picture of the students' understandings.
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/une.3167
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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
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