Το φαινόμενο της αριστερόστροφης κεφαλής στη σύνθεση της Κατωιταλικής

Μάριος Ανδρέου


The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to present the process of compounding in the Greek dialects of Southern Italy and, second, to comment on the presence of left-headed compounds in these dialects. In the compound, fiḍḍampelo ‘vine leaf’, for example, the head, fiḍḍo ‘leaf’, appears to the left-most edge despite the fact that this compound is right-headed in SMG (ampelofillo). This paper examines whether left-headed compounds should be considered as a language interference phenomenon, since Italian exhibits left- headed compounds as well.


Κατωιταλικές διάλεκτοι, σύνθεση, κεφαλή

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/pwpl.v3i0.2154

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