Τα Τουρκικά επιθετικά δάνεια στις διαλέκτους της Μικράς Ασίας: μια πρώτη προσέγγιση

Ελεονώρα Δημελά


In this paper, I deal with adjectival adaptation of Turkish loanwords. The examined data are drawn from the dialectal varieties of Asia Minor, such as Cappadocian, Aivaliot and Pontic. More specifically, this analysis aims to indicate the general parameters which characterize this phenomenon (i.e. the role of analogy, the structural and phonological shape of the word, the semantic equivalence, the typological divergence between the agglutinative Turkish and fusional Greek), as the target language seems to formulate the new word, depending on the general phonological-morphological properties of its specific language system. That is to say, specific parameters, such as the type of borrowing and the peculiarities of the language sub-system, have a crucial role to play in the final outcome. In addition, I attempt to give a comparison between the process of borrowing adjectives and that of borrowing nouns. For example, phonological similarity affects the adaptation phenomena of both nouns and adjectives.


επιθετικά δάνεια; μορφολογική προσαρμογή; αναλογία; διάλεκτοι

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/pwpl.v3i0.2156

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