Η σχέση ενδογενών και εξωγενών παραγόντων στην αλλαγή του ρηματικού κλιτικού συστήματος της Griko
In this paper, I examine inter-paradigmatic levelling in Griko. I present the inflectional classes in the dialect and argue that there is a tendency for elimination of the inflectional paradigms since verbs of inflectional class 2 change in favour of the most productive inflectional class 1. I focus on the factors which may cause this morphological change. I present the endogenous (language-internal) and exogenous (language-external) factors which may trigger paradigmatic levelling in Griko and argue that since there is no robust evidence that only external factors can be responsible for this type of change, we can safely argue that both endogenous and exogenous factors may be the cause for this type of change.
μεταπλασμός; κλιτικές τάξεις; Griko; ενδογενείς παράγοντες; γλωσσική επαφή
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/pwpl.v3i0.2157
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