Από την ιστορία των βορείων ιδιωμάτων: η γραμματική του Γ. Ρουσιάδη (1834)

Ιώ Μανωλέσσου


This paper gives a short overview of the available written sources (19th c. and earlier) for the diachronic investigation of northern dialects: a) texts written in a northern dialect and b) linguistic descriptions of northern dialects. It also publishes, for the first time, the earliest full linguistic description of a northern dialect, that of the variety of Kozani, included in G. Roussiades’ Praktische Grammatik der neuhellenischen Sprache (1834).


βόρεια ιδιώματα; γραμματική; ιστορική διαλεκτολογία

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/pwpl.v3i0.2159

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