Éducation à la santé en classe des sciences et technologie au Québec, une analyse qualitative du discours des enseignants
The current Québec Education Training Program has undergone a profound change. In particular, sciences and technology (S&T) teaching, through disciplinary competency and general domain of learning, promotes the integration of various aspects of daily life such as those associated with health education (ES) when studying scientific issues. Faced with the challenges and difficulties encountered by teachers, who are front-line actors in the educational process, to integrate ES in their classrooms, we lead research that took into account conceptions and practices of these teachers about this science and technology education in Québec. In particular, it is a question of analyzing the speech of the teachers (obtained by semi-structured interviews) on their own practices. This analysis takes into account the dimensions of the reference framework associated with the educational aims adopted for teaching ES in S&T, the nature of the content taught, the teaching methods for this content (considering the tasks of students and teachers). In this article, we focus on the methodology of data collection (presenting the rationale of the semi-structured interview) and the analysis techniques of this data (content analysis).
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/une.3156
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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
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