Problématiser un savoir scientifique : cas de l’enseignement de la chaine alimentaire en écologie chez des élèves tunisiens de 2è année secondaire SVT
Improve the teaching of the sciences to the learners continuous to face various challenges as long at the abstract level that have a practice. The problematisation by the debate and the confrontation of ideas should allow a long-lasting construction of the knowledge. The teaching of the food chain in ecology, at the pupils of 2nd secondary year Tunisians life and earth sciences, constitutes an opportunity to integrate this concept of problematisation. The training of the teachers is a relevant educational choice for the teacher, for the abstract change at her learners and the understanding of the knowledges based on the circular causality, the research for the links and the complexity. This study tries to shine on these aspects by practices of classes with Tunisian teachers of life and earth sciences.
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Educational Journal of the University of Patras UNESCO Chair | ISSN: 2241-9152 | Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education - University of Patras
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