Μιλείτενε χιώτικα: στάσεις απέναντι στο χιώτικο ιδίωμα

Ελένη Καραφώτη, Χαρίκλεια Καπελλίδη


The present paper studies language attitudes towards a Greek dialectical variety, the variety of Chios. Taking the complex and rather elusive nature of attitudes into account, the current research proposes an alternative methodology for the investigation of attitudes, that of Conversation Analysis, focusing on members’ perspective and on the micro-level. Simultaneously, the well-known direct method of questionnaires is also applied. The combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods produces different insights into the phenomenon and provides a multi-faceted account of language attitudes.

Λέξεις κλειδιά

: language attitudes, variety of Chios, questionnaires, Conversation Analysis, membership categorization

Πλήρες Κείμενο:


DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/icgl.v1i1.3690

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