Ιταλογενή ρηματικά δάνεια στις Νεοελληνικές διαλέκτους
In this paper, I deal with the issue of Romance verb integration in several Modern Greek dialects which have been subject to Romance influence. The dialects are Griko, Heptanesian, Cretan, Cypriot and Lesbian, while the Romance dialects are Venetian and Salentino. I propose that the accommodation of loan verbs in the recipient language, that is, the Modern Greek dialects, is subject to both intra-linguistic and extra-linguistic factors. More particularly, I argue that borrowing is heavily constrained by the morphological features of the recipient language, in our case, by the prominent role of stems in Greek morphology, stem allomorphy and the property of Greek inflected words to combine a stem and an inflectional ending, while properties of the donor language may play a role. Productivity may also act as catalyst for the selection of a particular suffix as an integrator, while social factors may cause, but also restrict heavy borrowing.
ρηματικά δάνεια, γλωσσική επαφή, ενωμάτωση, ΝΕ διάλεκτοι
DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/pwpl.v3i0.2151
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