La formation des enseignants au Sénégal : des écoles normales aux Centres Régionaux de Formation des Personnels de l’Éducation (CRFPE), état des lieux et perspectives de rénovation (full text in French)
The objective of this article is to make an assessment of teacher training in Senegal. Our study focuses on the different mutations of training systems have undergone since the early 19th century. This is what allowed us to show how the system has evolved following choices of state commissions aimed at low cost universal enrollment at the expense of the need for quality education adapted to local conditions in a changing world. Thus, we have established a draft for a teacher-training renovation project. To do this we have proposed a training that is balanced both theoretically and practically. Theoretical knowledge is not only on subjects, but must also include the areas of pedagogy and the contributions of research in the field of humanities, social sciences and education.
Teacher Training; Training System; Didactics; Pedagogy
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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network
Pasithee | Library & Information Center | University of Patras