Reforms and counter-reforms in Greek universities (1974-2014): Connecting policy with social dynamics (full text in Greek)
The present article comprises two parts. In the first part, the basic reform of the Greek higher education in the last 40 years is outlined and analysed on the basis of the Higher Education Frame Law of 1982. The article aims to answer the question whether this Frame Law was a real reform. For that purpose, the main elements of the Frame Law are analysed, with specific focus on the participation of students in higher education governance. The period between 1982 and 2011 is examined next, with regards to the changes in higher education legislation that improved the Frame Law of 1982 or adapted it to the European environment. Finally, the elements of the 2011 Law that actually extinguished student participation in governance are examined. The second part of the article deals with the relationship between the 1982 reform and the dynamics existing in the Greek society. More specifically, the second part of the article aims to answer whether the 1982 reform was a response to the expectations and the demands of the Greek society. Finally, the article concludes with a discussion on the reasons why the elimination of student participation in governance was approved by the Greek society.
Higher Education; Politics; Social Dynamics; Student Participation in Governance
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