The issue of social legitimacy of Greek universities: historical origins, future challenges (1974-present) (full text in Greek)
This text negotiates the issue of the social legitimacy of the Greek university. It is divided into four sections. In the first the concept of "legitimacy" is investigated. In the second, legitimacy at the beginning of the period in question is examined. In the third, an attempt is made to analyse the process of the de-legitimization of the university. Finally, in the fourth the prospects for its re-legitimization are investigated. The central position of the paper is that the university emerges from the period of the dictatorship and remains, for roughly 20 years, with strong social legitimacy which is founded, on the one hand. on regulative models, and on the other on factual data. Then, over time, this legitimacy becomes restricted until we arrive at the previous decade where the university is now openly accused of a lack of social legitimacy
University; Legitimacy; Higher Education Policy
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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network
Pasithee | Library & Information Center | University of Patras