The access and admission system for university degrees: current situation and perspective in Spain

Ana Arraiz Pérez, Fernando Sabirón Sierra, Rebeca Soler Costa


The system for access and admission to university degrees in Spain is undergoing important changes. For some time, the autonomy of each University and centralization, which is an aim of the European Higher Education Area, has coexisted. So far, the procedures prescribed overlap the functions, though they were created to reach a homogenized system. Thus, the European Acts prescribe a single university entrance system. However, this regulation implemented by the stakeholders in the Central Education Administration comes along with the different evaluation procedures determined by each region. What is ensured in this process is equity, transparency and a wide range of opportunities for the student. Undoubtedly, this situation has generated dysfunction and a host of contradictions about the uniqueness of each University and the standard procedures that still prevail. Therefore, in this article we provide a critical analysis of the access system. Our consolidated experience in the establishment and development of university entrance exams even allows us to draw conclusions regarding the European scenario. Indeed, this experience even supports an international perspective. The data analysed demonstrate that the more protective the system is, the more it can harm the student and assist the whole system.


University Entrance System, Uniqueness, European Regulations, Evaluation Procedures, International Prospective


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