Introduction of internationalization into higher education curricula (full text in Greek)

Niki Asterioti


internationalisation in higher education occupies a prominent position in the strategy of the nations and the higher education institutions. In particular, the process of internationalising higher education curricula and learning outcomes is necessary for the development of the students’ global prospects. This paper examines the contemporary approaches and directions of the teaching, learning and research processes in higher education institutions through a general overview of recent trends as well as the description of internationalisation actions at Australian universities. The literature review highlighted that higher education institutions in a European and global context have become more broad, active and innovative in their approaches to internationalisation. However, problems and challenges are identified when internationalising the higher education curricula, as it is a complex and multidimensional process that is often not supported actively by the academic staff at universities. Internationalised learning outcomes for all students are an important necessity of higher education that requires long-term commitment, support and resources.


Ιnternationalisation, higher education, curriculum, global citizenship


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