EU discourses and policies for the modernization of the university: Governance and student-centred learning (full text in Greek)
Student-centered learning is a learning approach that has been actively promoted in the European Higher Education Area institutions in recent years. It is characterized by innovative teaching methods, which are based on the active participation of students in the learning process in order to acquire transportable skills that are extremely important for the successful transition from education to the labor market. Its implementation requires a range of interventions in the governance and administration of universities, or the creation of bodies and procedures, wherever they do not exist, at European, national, institutional and departmental level. It affects institutions’ function, teaching and learning methods and curricula design. The first part of the paper highlights the relationship between student-centered learning and European policies for the Knowledge Society. The second part explores the views of students regarding the role of academics in the application of student-centered learning in the curriculum of the Postgraduate Studies Program "Higher Education Policy: Theory and Praxis". The conclusion discusses structural barriers to the implementation of SCL and suggests possible improvements.
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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network
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