Contemporary approaches to the recognition of alternative learning and training pathways. The case of work-based learning (full text in Greek)

Fotini Liossi


The paper analyzes the policies developed at European level to validate and recognize non-formal and informal learning in the context of promoting lifelong learning in practice. It also addresses the issue of recognition of work-based learning in continuing vocational education and training. Recognition of alternative learning and training pathways offers significant personal, economic and social benefits, as the person has the opportunity to pursue academic and / or professional development. However, the process of validating non-formal and informal learning in general and in particular work-based learning faces challenges that create difficulties for the full exploitation of the opportunities offered by recognition. This paper aims to highlight non-formal and informal learning as equally important sources of learning as formal education, to demonstrate that alternative learning and training pathways could be a solution to the present challenges that Europe faces and to lift the sense of depreciation still held by some European countries in terms of the quality of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal and informal learning environments.


Validation; recognition; non-formal learning; informal learning; work-based learning


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