Planning strategies: Theory and practice (full text in Greek)

Rea Mavrogianni


The key concept of the present paper is the inquiry into Strategic Planning in Higher Education. In this context, we first attempt to briefly explain and clarify the term ‘Strategic Planning’ and present and identify the reasons why ‘Strategic Planning’ is considered necessary, nowadays. In addition, the conceptual clarification of the term is followed by an analysis of its core elements and an extensive description of the organizational stages of  ‘Strategic Planning’ as well as the tools required for its implementation. The national strategy applied by the Ministry of Education to address Higher education is then analyzed based on the theoretical framework presented in the paper. Moving from a macro to a micro level of analysis we present the case study of the University of Patra as an exemplary case that will highlight and bring to the surface ‘Strategic Planning’ core elements at an Institutional level. Finally, the article concludes with an attempt to identify the core elements of ‘Strategic Planning’ regarding the curriculum and in particular, the "Higher Education Policy: Theory and Praxis" Interdepartmental Post-graduate Studies curriculum.


Strategic planning; higher education; national strategy; strategy at institutional level; strategic planning of the curriculum


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