Greek higher education in comparison with the European higher education area from Bologna to today (full text in Greek)
This article aims to examine the similarities and differences of Greek higher education in relation to the objectives set by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) with the signing of the Bologna Declaration on the 19thof June 1999. Firstly, the six initial objectives, which were set out in Bologna are presented and then the evolution of these objectives is analyzed through the Communiquésof the Bologna Declaration up until the last meeting of the Ministers of Education of the member states of EHEA in Yerevan in 2015. The first objective concerns the levels of studies, the recognition of degrees, the credits and the qualifications framework, the second objective concerns quality assurance, the third objective concerns the social dimension of EHEA, the fourth objective concerns the European dimension, the fifth objective concerns mobility and internationalization and the sixth and final objective concerns lifelong learning. Then, the six aforementioned goals as they are achieved in Greek higher education, are examined in turn. This examination was carried out through the analysis of national reports from Greece on the implementation of the Bologna process. Consequently, the levels of evolution in Greece in comparison with the objectives of EHEA are presented chronologically by drawing information from the stocktaking and implementation reports of the Bologna process. In conclusion, there are some findings regarding the image of Greece as far as the achievements of EHEA are concerned, which lead to the fact that Greek higher education does not present a particularly good image in relation to the EHEA and it needs to systematize its efforts, highlighting at the same time, the specific points which it should emphasize.
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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network
Pasithee | Library & Information Center | University of Patras