Modern Greek Studies at the University of Cambridge

Regina Foka, Liana Giannakopoulou, David Holton


Modern Greek Studies at Cambridge are offered by the Modern Greek Section, which forms part of the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages. The formal teaching of Modern Greek language and culture began in 1936. The present article outlines the syllabus and the objectives of the 2 courses offered (their language, literature and culture components). The courses are available to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. It also briefly mentions the prizes and enumerates other activities related to  Modern Greek studies.  It concludes with the realization that the present limited provision of Modern Greek courses is highly regarded and that there is significant support for the subject within the University. It is envisaged that the teaching of Modern Greek will be supported and further promoted by the imminent creation of a Centre for Greek Studies in the University of Cambridge


Modern Greek studies, Greek language teaching, Literature teaching

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