Comparative study of the internal and external evaluation of the University of Patras designating its strategic planning by a SWOT analysis (full text in Greek)

Aggeliki Kouremenou, Dimitra Spyropoulou, Theodora Fertaki


The internal evaluation at institutional level is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions in forceunder the supervision of MODIP (the Quality Assurance Unit –at institutional level-). It reflects the institution's physiognomyand all the features of its operation. Τhe external evaluation is carried out by a Committee of Independent Experts under the supervision of ADIP (Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency), that analyzes and examines the results of the internal report. After an on-site visit by the external evaluation committee to the Institution, which has a specific program, an external evaluation report is being prepared, which is made public. The purpose of this paper is to compare the main points of the internal and external evaluation reports of the University of Patras through a critical view as well as its strategic planning through a SWOT analysis. Through the SWOT analysis, an Institution can effectively identify and reclaim its strengths, exploit future opportunities and avoid threats and dangers that may arise. Adopting strategic planning is the key to the smooth Institution’s cooperation and development and its ability to respond effectively to changes in continuing academic competition in higher education area. In the present paper, after the comparative analysis of the above-mentioned reports, a strategic planning for some of the University’s actions is proposed, based on its "Strengths" and "Opportunities".


Quality assurance, SWOT analysis, strategic plan

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