Competency test to measure the quality assurance in the teaching-learning process of Indonesian public health higher education institutions

Santi Martini, Fajar Ariyanti, Suyatno Suyatno, Irma Prasetyowati


This study aimed to see the correlation between the accreditation status of public health higher education institutions and the number of students who pass the competency test in public health. The competency test was conducted from December 2015 to March 2019 by the National Committee for Public Health Competency Test Indonesia. The result confirmed that Public Health higher education accreditation guaranteed the competency test-takers would pass the test. Furthermore, this study found that the better the institution's accreditation, the better their chance to pass the test. Therefore, this test could be a good indicator for the accreditation status of the Public Health institution that could be used to examine the quality of public health graduates.


Accreditation; competency test; health practitioner; public health; quality assurance

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