The university between economy and democracy: a critical approach to the neoliberalized university and the role of leadership in its democratization (full text in Greek)

Stathis Ballias, Georgios Bestias


This article examines the relationship between university and democracy from a critical point of view, focusing mainly on the role that the university has today in the context of the knowledge economy and the dominance of neoliberalism. First, it focuses on the critical analysis of the prevailing trend that the university perceives as a cure for the knowledge economy, embodying primarily neoliberal economic logic and transforming into an entrepreneurial university. This transformation has led to the use of the knowledge produced and human capital for the benefit of the market economy and, respectively, to neglect  important purposes with which its social role has historically been linked, such as the promotion of the common good and democracy. We present the criticism leveled at the neoliberalized university, to highlight the need for it to turn in a more democratic direction. Furthermore, we look at the alternatives of the university to contribute to the development of a pedagogical environment. An environment conducive to the promotion of democratic principles / values such as critical thinking, active participation, and the responsibility of the democratic citizen, in the context of a critical pedagogy and the democratic use of human capital. Finally, we address the issue of change in the way the university is run and the need to transform its leadership into a leadership model that serves democracy and the needs of society.


University, economy, democracy, leadership

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