University, society and economy in John’s Dewey’s thinking

Ioannis Galanis, Pantelis Kiprianos


John Dewey (1859 - 1952) is one of the most important philosophers and educators with immense contribution to science. With his democratic approach to society and education, Dewey deconstructed authoritarian schemes and traditional methods of teaching and teaching projects. 

On the other hand, the liberal approach based on the general theory of Adam Smith believes that the market’s invisible power regulates everything. Education cannot be excluded from this general rule. The solitary function that education must have, according to a category of economists, is to prepare the student throughout his/her educational course as best as possible in the job market. In essence, education desires a close connection between University and the Market so the latter’s goals can be achieved. 

Dewey’s opposite opinion is analysed in our current intervention. He was considering without grounds that University would be in the market’s service. He was defending University’s independence from all the forces that could use it for their benefit. In our proposal, we present Dewey’s approach in correspondence with the economists’ thinking which supports the downgrade of the University to the Market’s needs.


university, society, market, democratic reformation

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