Education for global citizens in higher education: opportunities and challenges (full text in Greek)

Anastasia Sidori


In the contemporary globalized environment, the need for developing global citizenship within higher education institutions becomes increasingly prominent. In this study, through literature review, we examine the opportunities and challenges associated with integrating Global Citizenship Education (GCE) into higher education. Specifically, we explore teaching methods, approaches, and frameworks that facilitate the development of "world citizens", as well as potential barriers to their implementation. The study unfolds various aspects of GCE and identifies it as a powerful tool for promoting global citizenship among students. Thus, despite existing challenges, such as the shifting goals of higher education and the reluctance of educators, the review reveals significant possibilities of higher education to shape global citizens through GCE, leveraging practices such as internationalization at home, mobility programs, and experiential learning. The need for a holistic approach and redesign of study programs that will promote critical thinking and incorporate GCE principles is emphasized. The study provides useful information for teaching staff, curriculum developers, and policy makers about the complex landscape of GCE in higher education.


Global Citizenship Education; global citizenship; higher education; internationalization at home

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