Is the policy sub-system of the Greek university a “mature policy sub-system”? (full text in Greek)
This paper intends to investigate, through analysis of a specific policy programme, the existence of a “mature policy sub-system” within the Greek university. The theoretical tools were drawn from the framework named “Advocacy Coalition Framework” (ACF) developed by Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith. The Greek University is, therefore, considered to be a policy subsystem where actors form coalition networks that share policy core beliefs and engage in coordinated action in order to translate these beliefs into public policy. Data was derived from 35 semi-structured interviews, and analysis of policy documents. The paper intends to produce evidence both for the formation of conflicting coalition networks, and for an answer to the question of whether the policy sub-system of the Greek university is a “mature” policy sub-system.
Εducation Policy; University; “Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF)”; Mature Policy Sub-System
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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network
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