The second issue of the journal ACADEMIA has
The first issue seems to have
had a significant impact seeing as it was consulted by a considerable number of
virtual visitors around the world.
The second issue contains four
(five) (4 (5)) papers and three (3) book reviews. The book reviews are a new
element of ACADEMIA. These reviews may be classically academic in nature, but
they can also be presented as a tool that has influenced the work or the state
of mind of the author. In this case, they contain a "relationship"
which takes on personal aspects and dynamic dimensions since the books influences the configuration of new research and texts.
Regarding the articles:
The first article was written by Professor Emeritus at the
The second article was written by a doctor from the University of
Aix-Marseille, Stavrou Sophia, and is entitled “The
connection between university and labour market through the prism of the "recontextualisation"
of curricula in the French universities”. The article discusses the issue of the relationship between the university
and the labor market, encouraged by EU policies and applied in
The third article was written
by a professor from the University of Cadiz, José Luis Moreno Pestaña and is
entitled "Homo Academicus and
analysis of intellectual fields". The paper proposes an
epistemological analysis of the "academic". Based on the work of
Pierre Bourdieu, it analyzes the social construction of homo academicus, which
is converted into an object of research in sociology.
The fourth article was written
by Athanassouli Kyriaki, a doctor and researcher at the Centre of Planning and
Economic Research. Her work bears the title " Transition from education
to employment: A case study of graduates from faculties of Philosophy in
Then, three book reviews include:
Post Doctor of the University of Patras, Victoria Konidari presents Martin
Heidegger’s book, "Building,
Living, Thinking". This is a text first published in 1952 and
translated into Greek in 2008 by the Greek editions "Plethron." The
author manages to show how a book written by a philosopher and sent initially
to architects can be useful for research in the field of education!
Doctor of the University of the Peloponnese, Antigone Sarakinioti has
chosen Martin Lawn & Sotiria Grek’s book "Europeanizing education: governing a new political space",
published in 2012 by Symposium Books Ltd publications,
Finally, a PhD student from the University of Patras, George Angelopoulos
presents Ludwik Fleck’s book "Genesis
and Development of a Scientific Fact", which was published for the
first time in 1935. This is a book that faced total oblivion, before its value was
recognized through Merton, Kuhn and Trenn’s translation into English at the
Happy reading!
Georgios Stamelos
Professor, Editor
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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network
Pasithee | Library & Information Center | University of Patras