The pendulum of educational reforms in Greek higher education through the example of evaluation and quality assurance policies in universities over the past 40 years (full text in Greek)

Aggelos Kavasakalis


In this paper, through the analysis of the efforts to implement an evaluation mechanism in Greek universities, the difficulty encountered during its institutionalization, the developments and changes in the Greek university and the gradual shift to an institutionalized evaluation system are highlighted. At the same time an investigation of the possibility of creating conditions for stricter control of the Greek university and the conditions that promote excellence and competition between universities is attempted. Finally, questions are raised regarding the notion of “policy transfer” that occurs in this policy field since quality assurance policies in higher education could be conceptualized as “imported” policy programs from the wider field of European education policies (EEP) for higher education. In this paper EEP are considered to be not only the policies within the EU institutions that concern only those Member States but also the education policies in the European region that usually involve a larger number of countries. The Bologna Process is an example of such a process and it affects the education policies in higher education in 47 states. The periodization and analysis will be separated into distinct periods, from 1974 to date, in which there are differences in the general field of policy making and governance in Greece.


University; European education policies; quality assurance; accreditation; policy transfer


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