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he 7th issue of the electronic journal ACADEMIA is ready.  It includes rich copy from varied sources: original texts, texts based on proposals from within the framework of the seminar for doctoral candidates by the Interuniversity Network ‘Higher Education Policies: Theory and Practice’, a translation with an introduction, from a French text, book presentations and an interview.

Beginning with the latter, ACADEMIA has the pleasure and the honour of hosting an interview by Bernard Charlot.  Charlot is the inspiration behind the most recent big theory within the space of the Education Sciences, at least as far as the French literature is concerned. The relationship to knowledge (rapport au savoir) bases its originality on its highlighting of the social subject in Marxist theory.  Through a robust combination of philosophical principles and sociological research in the field, Charlot managed to suggest a potential and not deterministic influence of social origin on school success.  This approach ruptures the pessimistic perception of the unavoidable   determination of social origin in the learning process of the student, as a social subject.  As a result, the educational unit and the educational practices become a field of action of central significance, transforming social reproduction into a challenge that can be negotiated and not a fatalistic destination.  The interview bears the general title ‘University: Vision and mission’ and is divided into three parts: changes (in higher education), distance learning/e-learning and higher education in Brazil.  For the last nearly 20 years Bernard Charlot has lived and worked in Latin America, and chiefly in Brazil.  The interview was conducted by Georgios Stamelos and it was translated by Panagiota Evangelakou.  Editing of the final form of the text was undertaken by Panagiota Evangelakou and Georgios Stamelos, in collaboration with Bernard Charlot.

The first original text is by the Doctors of the Panteio University, Tsikalaki Ioanna and Kladi-Kokkinou Maria and bears the title ‘Economic crisis and social inequalities in education: Educational choices for higher education’.  This study aims to investigate the consequences of the current economic crisis on the educational decisions of senior high school graduates concerning their further tertiary studies in relation to their social origin 9original text in Greek).

The second original text comes from Rerak-Zampou Monika, Doctor at the University of Patras, and is entitled ‘University aspirations of Polish students in Athens’.  This text focuses on the higher education choices of children who come from Polish immigrant families in Athens.  These choices seem to emerge out of the particular families’ wider plans and choices (original text in English).

ACADEMIA then suggests one text which originated in respective seminars which took place at the University of Patras. It has been written by Pantelis Kiprianos (University of Patras) and Vangelis Politis-Stergiou (TEI of Western Greece) is entitled ‘Governance in Greek higher education from a comparative perspective’.  The text negotiates the significant changes which were noted in university governance after 1980 in many western countries, it examines them and attempts to ascertain their consequences as much for the operation of the institutions as for the practices and behaviours of the academic community (original text in English).

Paraskevi Molari has translated the text ‘University archives:  New sources for the history of higher education and research’ which constitutes part of the minutes of a scientific meeting under the direction of Jean-Noel Luc and Emmanuelle Picard.  The text is accompanied by an introduction by the translator.

This issue also includes two book presentations.

The first has been written by the University of Patras doctor, Michael Christodoulou and is entitled ‘Reflective biography in the pathways of life: blessing or curse?’ and concerns Urlich Beck’s book ‘Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity,’ which has been translated by Nikitas Patiniotis and was published by Pedio Publications in 2012 (in Greek).

The second is recommended by the University of the Peloponnese doctor, Antigone Sarakinioti and concerns Nikos Papadakis’ recent book ‘That could(n’t) be otherwise.  A poetic essay and three texts on art, power and pain’.  The book was published by Sideris Publications in 2015 (in Greek).




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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network

Pasithee | Library & Information Center | University of Patras