University aspirations of Polish students in Athens

Monika Rerak Zampou


Contemporary migrations are becoming a common process for people who want to improve their material living conditions and to provide better economic security for themselves and their families. Immigration is currently high up the political agenda in most European countries, including Greece, as they struggle to deal with the increased flow of illegal migrants that many countries have experienced in recent months. This is why it is necessary to examine various aspects of migration, including those which refer to the youngest groups of migrants. In the following paper we focus on the university aspirations of young Poles from Athens. Immigrant youth and children of immigrants make up a large and increasing share of the Greek population, and it seems that over the next few decades they will constitute a significant portion of the society. Since the Greek community becomes increasingly diverse it is relevant to understand the educational trajectories of children from various ethnic groups especially with regards to the importance of postsecondary education to occupational success, financial security, and the pursuit of upward social mobility. Yet, research on the topic is far from being complete. Our project looks at the university aspirations of a group of Polish youngsters in Athens. Data come from PhD research, a qualitative study on the educational and migratory strategies of Polish families residing in the capital of Greece.


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