The issue of the academic recognition of the Bologna Process (full text in Greek)

Fotini Liossi



The paper aims to analyze the issue of academic recognition through the study of the Lisbon Convention and the Ministerial Communications of the Bologna Process, as the Convention is an integral part of the Process. The evolution of academic recognition in the European region is being monitored over time, both by the policies implemented by the Ministers of Education of the Member States of the EEC until the signing of the Lisbon Convention and in the context of the Bologna Process (since the 1999 Bologna Communiqué, until the latest Yerevan Communiqué in 2015).In principle, this issue is dealt with in two chapters. Firstly, the first chapter deals with the principles underpinning the Lisbon Convention to achieve a fair, reciprocal and automatic academic recognition. Subsequently, the second chapter analyzes the policies developed by the Bologna Process for the same purpose as these are distinguished in the Ministerial Communiqué. Finally, the work concludes with the view that although the achievement of academic recognition offers a variety of benefits to the countries of Europe, there are still many obstacles that need to be overcome by joint efforts and constructive cooperation.


Academic recognition, Lisbon Convention, Bologna Process, Ministerial Communications

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