Study Programmes in the Educational Centres for Training & Life-Long Learning, of the University of Patras and the University of Aegean (full text in Greek)

Barbara Papazafiriou


The present study examines the institution of Life-long Learning (LLL) centers (KE.DI.VI.M in Greek) in Greek Higher Education Institutions, particularly in terms of their legislative framework, structure and objectives. First, we refer to the definition of the term lifelong learning in its contemporary content. What follows is the different forms lifelong learning been developed to the present. Next, the study focuses on the study programmes of LLL centers of the University of Patras and the University of Aegean followed by a comparison between the two based on: thematic disciplines, cost, accreditation, implementation methodology and target groups. The basic conclusion derived from this study is that adult ongoing education may be a new field in which the University has an important role to play.


LLL, Higher Education Institutions, institutions of continuing education

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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network

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