The Integration of LLL into Higher Education: Non-formal Learning Services Delivery into the Greek HEIs

Andreas Vassilopoulos, Aggelos Kavassakalis, Georgios Stamelos


The article focuses on the issue of the incorporation of non-formal types of lifelong learning (LLL) services delivery into the Greek Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). During the past three decades, this issue appears to have received significant attention as a result of relevant policies promoted worldwide and the strong political will demonstrated by the European states. After briefly presenting the consecutive stages of LLL incorporation into HEIsthe article will emphasise the incorporation of LLL into the Greek Universities and, especially, non-formal types of learning services delivery. The University has been undergoing a series of constant, rapid and profound transformations, in the last few years, that have, on the one hand, turned it into a vast and multi-dimensional organization and on the other, present it with unprecedented dilemmas and perils. Among these, one of the most fundamental pertains to the severe impact induced by the adoption of non-formal types of learning by the University, which may act in a corrosive and/or rejuvenating and modernising way on what we are used to calling the University.


Lifelong Learning, Greek Higher Education Institutions, Non-formal learning

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