Une analyse empirique pour étudier la relation entre la performance des étudiants et leur préférence de la méthode d’apprentissage en ligne

Sami Khedhiri


In this paper, we use statistical models to investigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on students’ academic performance in quantitative courses and the relationship between their preference of online education and their scores in statistics. Most Canadian universities, like other colleges and universities worldwide, switched to online learning and they suspended in-person teaching after the prevalence of the pandemic. We collected survey data from students at a Canadian university to assess the impact of the switch to online classes on their performance in statistics. The results show that better preforming students favor online learning, and they are perfectly fine with the experience. However, it is crucial to improve the method of online learning in the future and make it a more enjoyable and effective experience specifically for the less preforming students who still prefer in-class learning.


Students’ academic performance, statistics teaching, online education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26220/aca.4014

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