Health promotion and health education for students: a review of HIV/AIDS-related research (full text in Greek)

Κωνσταντίνος Κλαουδάτος


Health promotion is the process that the individual learns to control and improve his health. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are a factor that puts the health of the individual at high risk. The behaviors, habits and perceptions of each individual are responsible for the dispersion of STIs. Typical is the group of students as research has shown that they adopt risky sexual behaviors during their student life. To this end, the aim of the project was to analyze the specialized Greek and international literature with the aim of studying researches that have been carried out in students, of Greek and foreign universities, on HIV/AIDS. The results showed deficiencies in students' knowledge of HIV/AIDS, leading to risky behaviors from all five continents. From the work emerges the need for a global intervention, without racial, ethnic cultural exceptions, in order to achieve through the university, the health of students and by extension their well-being.


Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS, Students, Health Education, Health Promotion

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