Analysis of the use of innovative technologies in simulation training to improve the quality of the educational process: experience of medical HEIs in Ukraine during the war

Olha Yuryk, Oleksandr Zlobin, Olha Vainahii, Olga Fedosieieva, Oleksiy Shaulko


In a time of war, the quality of healthcare in Ukraine is constantly growing. Accordingly, under martial law, medical professionals need to develop additional skills. Simulation allows students to acquire the necessary skills and transfer them to practice. The purpose was to study the development of skills in medical students in terms of the use of innovative technologies in simulation training. The paper conducts a literature review of related scientific articles selected from the CinAHL and Pubmed databases with quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The inclusion criteria for the literature sampling method in this study focused on articles that addressed the use of simulation in medical education. Keywords and phrases related to the research questions were entered into dictionaries and thesauri to identify Mesh terms and Cinahl descriptors for more accurate search results. The results highlighted the main skills that were improved through the use of simulation thus it is a teaching method that can enhance the clinical training of medical students. It also provides students with a unique opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, to develop clinical skills and to acquire soft skills that are difficult to teach but are necessary in real-life healthcare settings.


Martial law, need for medical personnel, medical students, training, critical thinking, technical skills

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