On your screen you now have the first issue of the journal ACADEMIA. The
journal is an initiative of the Higher
Education Policy Network.
the Network
The Network was founded as an Intra-university
initiative, in the summer of 2009, following a call for networking from the
Presidency of the University of Patras. After an internal evaluation process,
it was approved, along with 35 others. It is the only one produced by the
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and initially it was funded by the
University of Patras.
Two years later, in the summer of 2011, it became an
Interuniversity Network with the participation of the Historical Archives of
the University of the Aegean and the Laboratory of Social and Educational
Studies at the University of the Peloponnese.
The aim of the Network is to be a structure for
research, training, publications and other activities
in the field of Higher Education in general, and of the University, in
particular. The Network hopes to establish itself as a space for reflection and
discussion on Higher Education issues. In this context, one of the original
goals was the creation of an international scientific journal. What it is
today, in fact!
About the Journal
The e-journal
ACADEMIA hopes to establish itself as an international forum for the
publication of works which focus on Higher Education, and hence contributes to
the analysis of a field of education and research which is both growing and
transforming and which is at the center of international policy challenges.
review-by-nature- interdisciplinary journal. Therefore, research and analysis
that come from fields such as sociology, economics, policy and politics,
pedagogy, psychology, technology, history or philosophy, and focus on Higher
Education are welcome. ACADEMIA gives priority to works that contain a
combination of empirical data and theory analysis.
The onus of the
application of our statements is on the editor and the advisory broad of
Presentation of the 1st issue
As an exception to
the general rule, the 1st issue was developed around three axes. It proposes to:
a) Provide examples
of different targeted groups that could be interested in the journal, as future
collaborators and/or as readers.
b) Report that the
journal is tri-lingual (English, French and Greek).
c) Present the work already
taking place in the field of Higher Education through
the activities of the three partners that make up the Inter-University Network.
The ten (10) papers in this issue
are grouped into three units:
i) the first three texts (Mouzelis, Koubias,
Anastassopoulos) are transcripts of oral interventions, the first two during
the study day of the Network under the general title: "Globalization and
Democracy" and the third at the doctoral seminar of the Network, entitled
"European Policy on Education: Theory, methodology, analysis,
More specifically, Professor Emeritus of LSE, Nikos
Mouzelis, focuses on the question, "Globalization and Democracy." His
main conclusion is formulated around the idea that globalization seems to
strengthen democracy in emerging economies (mainly from Asia) but destroy
democracy in Western countries.
The text by the
former Rector of the University of Patras, St. Koubias, is an analysis of the
prospects of the Greek University. Koubias, emphasizing the dual role of the
University in Greece and Europe, appears to be fairly optimistic, highlighting
the quality of teaching and research staff at universities in Greece.
Finally, the text by
the former vice Rector, V.Anastassopoulos, focuses on the development of
research and its management. Anastassopoulos proceeds to an analysis of the
overall context in which the Greek university is obliged to operate and,
subsequently, presents the work done at the University of Patras, in the period
ii) The following
three texts come from the target group of research and academic staff.
first paper is signed by the Assistant Professor at the University of the
Aegean, Panagiotis Kimourtzis. It is entitled Studying Law at the Greek University during the
mid-war years. The “case” of young Nikolaos. This is a text that tries to restore the daily
conditions of a provincial student in Athens, in the '20s and early '30s. Thus,
historiography becomes literature but still maintains he rigor of the given
historical data. At the same time, Kimourtzis also uses drawings and paintings,
in an attempt to establish the atmosphere of young Nikolaos’ time.
The second text is
written by the Assistant Professor at the University of the Aegean, Dionisis
Gouvias. It is entitled "The ‘adventure’ of a research project: from conception and approval to the
publication of ‘deliverables’”. This is an analysis of, and a reflection on
both the process of research team composition and, later, its internal
function and, on the relations between
the research team and the outside world. In his text, the author tries to
provide an answer to his central question: What purpose does a research project
serve? The conclusions he reaches are rather pessimistic. On the one hand, the
government or other bodies may announce research programs (though not enough of
them, and at irregular intervals
unstable), but the use of the results is rather uncertain, if not obscure,
to the extent that they are often put down and remain forgotten about in
bureaucratic drawers. On the other hand, internal difficulties, delays in
project progress and the volume of work required are negative and unproductive
factors, at least for researchers who must also concern themselves with their
own professional development, especially those whose posts are temporary.
The third text in
this unit is the contribution of Assane Diakhate, a member of the academic
staff at the University Gaston Berger of Saint-Louis, Senegal in cooperation
with Gergana Dimitrova, a PhD student at the
University Paris 13. The subject of their work is the integration of students
in the university. Its title is "The CIVD as an example of social
intervention/inclusion dispositif".
The authors develop their conception about the needs of students (new and
foreign) for integration in the institution. They
then focus, as a case study, on the
Intercultural Center of Vincennes at Saint Denis (CIVD), which, through its
activities, provides the necessary conditions
firstly for students to be integrated into the university and, subsequently, for them to be able to be
active and creative.
ii) The final four (4) texts are signed either by young
doctors (the first two) or by PhD students (the last two) who are at an advanced
stage of their research. This is another target group for ACADEMIA.
Dr. Aggelos Kavassakalis (University of Patras), is the author of the paper
"Is the policy subsystem of the Greek university sub-mature political
system?". The researcher, using the theoretical
work of Sabatier and Jenkins-Smith, known as the
"Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF)," tries to prove that the Greek
University is a policy subsystem according to the ACF and subsequently a
sub-mature political system. This evidence
legitimizes the application of the ACF to an analysis of social context in
terms of conflicting coalition networks (with the passing of a new law which
establishes a quality assurance system for the Greek universities).
Dr Fotis Monioukas (University of the Aegean) focuses on the choice of
higher education studies. His text is entitled "Educational choices of
High School Graduates: The Case of the University of Patras". It is a case
study. The researcher outlines specific
features of the institution and its departments. His main conclusion is that
the University of Patras attracts students
principally from the local area and surrounding regions, including Attiki
(Athens) and he also concludes, their social position is very high and
statistically significant in comparison to the national average.
The third text is signed by the PhD student, Giorgos
Aggelopoulos. It is entitled "Interdisciplinarity: the university's answer
to the Needs of the Labor Market." Aggelopoulos argues that under the
pressure of demands for a closer connection between Higher Education and the
labor market, universities develop interdisciplinary curricula, normally in the
second and third stages of their studies. These programs are justified using an
argument based on the idea that thus graduates increase their chances of being
employable. As for Greek universities, it seems, on the one hand, they bow to
these demands and implement interdisciplinary programs of study (usually at
Master’s Level). On the other hand, however, the universities try to implement
these programs with minimal adaptations in order not to disturb internal
organization and management.
Finally, the PhD student Antigone Sarakinioti
(University of the Peloponnese) presents a paper entitled “Exploring
the Content of Subject Specific Competences in the Context of Greek initial
Teacher Education”. Using Bernstein’s theoretical work, she analyzes the
curricula for initial training of future school teachers. Her assumption is
that the curricula, through their
transformations/developments, reflect the influences of European policies and
the dominant discourse on competences. In the present text, the focus is on the
specific competences as they are used in the international bibliography
and more specifically in the European project Tuning.
In closing, I hope that the
texts presented in this first issue of the e-journal ACADEMIA,
will on the one hand, attract interest and provoke discussion
and, on the other hand, create the
desire to participate in future publications of ACADEMIA.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue
Stamelos Georgios
Professor, Editor
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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network
Pasithee | Library & Information Center | University of Patras