Challanges from the adoption of interdisciplinarity in the Master programmes of Greek universities (full text in Greek)
This paper presents and analyzes the results of a field study concerning the introduction of interdisciplinarity into university study programmes. In particular, it focuses on postgraduate study programmes in Greek universities. What was most interesting was to ascertain the manner in which interdisciplinarity was adopted since this marks the university's response to national and international pressures for its adoption. At the same time, however, as interdisciplinarity is also seen as a "paradigm shift" we wanted to investigate the effect of its adoption on the traditional organization and operation of the institution. The fundamental conclusion seems to be that the country's Community support frameworks played a decisive role. The state on the one hand used them as a means of limiting its own funding of universities, while the universities found a means of extra funding through the strengthening of interdisciplinary study programmes with the help of Community money. At the same time, however, the universities seemed to take care to adopt the demand for interdisciplinary study programmes in such a way as to safeguard the continuation of the institution's internal arrangements. Hence, the way in which it was adopted didn't question the dominance of the mono-disciplinary academic unit, while at the same time it also ensured the non-disturbance of the internal power relations of the individuals within the institution.
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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network
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