The European debate on the European Qualifications Framework. Basic principles and objectives. An initial assessment (full text in Greek)

Theoni Kaplanidou


The purpose of this article is to analyze the basic principles and objectives of the European Qualification Framework (EQF), as well as the recent developments in its implementation, both in European countries and in Greece. Since the EQF is one of the tools of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the study initially focuses on the developments that strengthened the cooperation in European policies in the higher education sector and on the conditions that led to the need for the creation of a common qualification framework. Next, the definition and history of the EQF, its objectives and its structure are presented. The article also focuses on the national qualification framework of Greece and analyses the matching process with the EQF. Finally, a critical evaluation of the EQF at a European level is attempted, which discusses how the EQF relates to national qualification frameworks, how the different countries interpret its structure elements (knowledge, abilities, skills, learning outcomes), as well as the incentives leading countries to adopt national qualification frameworks. 


European Qualifications Framework, European Higher Education Area, lifelong learning, learning outcomes

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ACADEMIA | eISSN: 2241-1402 | Higher Education Policy Network

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