The Bologna Process in progress: working plans 1999-2005 (full text in Greek)

Viviane Reisoglou-Minou


The Bologna Process constitutes a powerful attempt to build a European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Through this Process, the European states inaugurated a new form of transnational cooperation in the development of educational policies for higher education. Both the states and the stakeholder organizations participate in events where they have the opportunity to promote issues and make decisions. In this context, the aim of this study is to showcase the planning for and function of the Process and to demonstrate the issues of the events during the first five years of its operation, while it was still under formulation. This paper attempts to highlight the protagonists of the Process, their role and participation, and then the agenda setting based on the first six objectives of the Process and the issues that concerned the participants mainly, between the Communiques. The study is carried out through the analysis of secondary data, specifically secondary data are presented and analyzed, which are drawn from the official web page of the EHEA.


Bologna Process, issues, participants

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